Saturday, August 24, 2013

Home Sweet Home!

We have been home for almost a week now and the jet lag is finally lifting and it is time to finish up and write a final installment to our France blog!

On the last day of our trip, Bobby took the kids to Aquaboulevard (the largest water park in Europe) while I cleaned and packed.  They had a great time when they realized that Speedos make the slides even faster!

That night, we said goodbye to our home in Marly Le Roi.  This is such a cute little town and we will miss it.

We left home at 2:30AM to drive to the airport.  (Note to self, starting a long trip with sleep deprived kids is not ideal.)  From Paris, we flew an hour to Frankfort and then boarded a plane for the 8 hour flight to Dulles.  Once we reached American soil, we had to pause for a presidential photo opportunity.

Next, we boarded our final flight to SFO.  After 26 hours of travel we arrived at Grandpa and Grandma's with some extremely tired kids.  For once, they were actually too tired to argue with one another.  On Sunday, we drove home from San Jose--this trip was only 8 hours--piece of cake....

We were so happy to arrive home with the family intact and our happy dog.  Our month in France was a wonderful adventure filled with many high points.  We have made some great memories as a family and Jacob and Maddie both agree that the trip has made our family stronger.

Our primary goal for this trip was to show the kids that the world is not confined to their Orange County Bubble--mission accomplished.  We all learned a lot from this trip and appreciate the ease of living in California.  For me, the thing that resonates the most is that no matter where I go in the world, as long as I am with my sweet husband and crazy kids, I am home--Home Sweet Home!

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