Friday, August 2, 2013


Not a lot to post today.  It was definitely a day of rest.  I am so grateful that we are here in France long enough that we can have these types of days.  I don't underestimate the luxury of traveling this way and I am very clear that we probably won't experience this type of vacation again.  We haven't watched the news or read a newspaper in almost two weeks---I have absolutely no idea what is going on in the rest of the world--except via Facebook:).  In some ways, this is a very disconcerting feeling--what if something big has happened and I have no idea?  In most ways, it gives me a peaceful feeling that what is going on in the world doesn't matter so much. As I look up at the clouds this evening, I am reminded that God is truly in control and all the rest is just my own distraction.  So grateful....


  1. Diane
    I got to catch up on your trip this week! WOW what an amazing adventure. I love the chocolate croissants, crepes, parks, long drives and picnics in your back yard! I love the sky picture from today. SOOO cool you got to see your girlfriend from high school!!! Soak up every minute of your adventure. Can't wait to see what unfolds next!
    hugs- Bonnie ;-)

    1. Thanks Bonnie! There are definitely challenges, but we are having a great time. Miss you my friend!")
